What’s in a Name?

Or, the story behind my blog’s name: The Yellow Rosebud.


My Grandma Mary had a rose garden in front of her house, perfectly pruned and always in bloom. Each day, she took time to walk through her garden, checking the health of each plant and making adjustments wherever necessary. Her roses even won awards at local shows. She was a master gardener, and could have made a rose bush grow in a desert. When I was born, she called me her Rosebud, which was quite a commendation coming from her.

My grandma passed away right after we moved to Texas, so my mom plants a new rose bush in her garden every year on Grandma’s birthday. My mom now has quite a rose garden herself!

Grandma’s favorite was always the yellow rose, so here is a picture of one of the yellow roses from my mom’s garden (stolen from her Facebook, with her permission, probably):

yellow rose

TLDR; My blog’s name serves a dual purpose: it is both a tribute to my grandma, and a tribute to my transplanted home of Texas. *Cue cowboy playing The Yellow Rose of Texas on guitar by a campfire*


Note: This blog, despite the name, is probably not going to include a whole lot about roses or gardening. I’m a pretty terrible gardener; I’ve killed every plant I’ve ever planted except one tiny basil plant I planted in June. Its sisters, Rosemary and Dill, died in July. R.I.P. (My husband and I did, however, buy a house with a rose garden in the back, and I’m determined to keep those buggers alive as long as possible. Wish me luck!)

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