Like most sane people, I love the crisp weather that Autumn brings. It’s a relief from the humidity and heat, and those of us who haven’t quite shed all of our extra insulation can rejoice and relax in layers and over-sized sweaters. I’ve always loved the month of October in particular. This is likely in part because October starts with my birthday and ends with Halloween, but there’s something more about the entire month that I really love.
In October, the fall has truly taken over. The trees turn color, the weather is cooler, and the air hints at weekend bonfires. There’s sense of unspoken camaraderie; people are brought together by Friday Night Football, Homecomings, and Fall Carnivals. Even with this though, there’s always that small, spooky feeling in October. With graveyards popping up in neighbor’s yards, haunted house tours in local historical districts, and pumpkin patches in every abandoned parking lot, there’s a whole lot of Halloween all at once, and we only get one month for it!
Lately, one of the main conversation topics in my house has been, “What will we be for Halloween?” This will be our third Halloween together. Our first year, we went all out. I was a retro Red Riding Hood (complete with Victory Rolls), John was the big bad wolf, and we went trick-or-treating with his youngest sister.
The corporate-appropriate version of my 2014 Halloween costume. My office did not have any Halloween festivities, but my marketing team decided to wear watered down versions of our costumes as Halloween was on a Friday.
And later with the red cape + John as the Big Bad Wolf. By this point, my Victory Rolls were beginning to fall; I really should have used hairspray!
Last year, we had planned on dressing up as Leslie Knope & Ben Wyatt, but we ended up spending the day baking different kinds of bread together instead. (I’ll blame that one on our binge watching The Great British Bake-off.) I guess this could always be our backup plan if current musings end up falling through!
With this year’s Halloween falling on a Monday night, we will likely spend October 31 watching X-Files (our current binge-show) and passing candy out to the neighborhood kids. But the weekend, the weekend. We will have to see what the weekend may bring!