2018 has come and gone, as has half of 2019. I currently have 10 drafted posts, in various stages of completion; and instead of working on one of those, I am starting a new post from scratch. It is what it is!
So here I am, in the middle of my messy, beautiful life. I’m meeting myself where I am, starting over, and hoping for the best on another fresh start.
This is the first night in over eight months that I’ve dedicated to writing, and I feel overwhelmed with everything that I want to say in such a short amount of time.
Update 1: I had a baby!
You read that right! Our little guy was born in November. It feels like yesterday and also a hundred years ago! He’s amazing and wonderful, and he’s also incredibly busy. Does anyone remember what it’s like to sleep an entire night anymore? I sure don’t.
We’re a little over eight months into parenthood, and it has been a whir and blur of love, emotions, stress, and absolute joy. Some days are amazing, and some days I count the seconds until I’m able to drag my body into bed. Today has been a little more of the latter.
I’m sure that my future posts will be very baby-centric, and I’m excited to share an entirely new part of my life with you!
Update 2: I’m on a career hiatus
I’ve been really nervous about posting publicly that I have decided to put my technical writing career on hold. Admitting it to the world (even just the small portion of the world that happens to read this post) made it more “real” to me. The fact is, I ended my last writing contract just before becoming pregnant.
I didn’t intend for SAHM (stay-at-home mom) to become my career path. In fact, I’d intentionally chosen a technical writing career for the eventual freelance career opportunities. Staying at home with my child was always part of the plan, and I truly believed that I was going to continue to work full-time through that as well.
God’s plans are often greater and grander than our own. I’m currently making peace with that for myself, as well as accepting that I may not be able to set myself up for the “next phase” until He’s good and ready.
Setting Goals
I’ve never been great at keeping to a strict routine, but having a baby has really forced me to start truly carving time out for myself. In a more transparent effort to be accountable, I’m going to be starting a regular, weekly posting schedule.
I keep getting stuck, worried that what I’m posting isn’t perfect. I’ve gotten frustrated with myself, and I feel like my writing quality has suffered from both lack of creativity and lack of sleep. Life is messy, and my posts might be for a bit too.
I’m not concerned with algorithm data for anything other than my own personal curiosity, so I am not expecting any of my posts to really “go” anywhere. Again, this blog has always been, and always will be, an outlet for myself and my own personal writing.
Wrap Up
Basically, what I’m trying to say is, I’m glad to be writing again! I sat down with absolutely no goals in mind except hitting the “Publish” button at the end of this sprint. If you made it this far, then I thank you for taking the time to read these random Tuesday thoughts. I am blessed and happy to have you here!