This is a quick post for today. I'm currently working on building out more of my own recipes to share, and I am working on getting more recipes posted more frequently. As far as my pregnancy cravings are concerned, I have basically reverted back to eating like I did when I was a kid. That being said, I've started making a lot of breakfast sandwiches, and this recipe is one of my favorites. I used to make it in the mornings before school or work. It travels well, so I would end up eating it in the car on the way wherever I was going. I'd all but forgotten about it until I made too much roasted asparagus one night recently and had a lot of leftovers. My husband isn't crazy about asparagus in the mornings, but I love it. Einstein Bagels used to sell something very similar to this, so I am fairly certain that there are more "asparagus in the morning" people out there. Let me know if you are one!